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Kamis, 28 Juli 2011

The 100 (buku)

Posted by Poetra Cipta on 20.20

The 100 (buku)

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The 100
The 100 Cover.jpg
Cover edisi 1992, The 100, peringkat orang paling berpengaruh dalam sejarah
Penulis Michael H. Hart
Negara Amerika Serikat
Bahasa Inggris
Genre Buku pengetahuan
Penerbit Carol Publishing Group/Citadel Press
Tanggal terbit 1978
Terbitan dalam Bahasa Inggris 1978
Halaman 576
ISBN 0-8065-1350-0

The 100 merupakan buku karya Michael H. Hart yang diterbitkan pada tahun 1978. Buku ini memuat 100 tokoh yang ia rasa memiliki pengaruh terkuat dalam sejarah manusia. Bukunya secara hangat diperdebatkan, konsep bukunya secara luas ditiru. Penting untuk dicatat bahwa Dr. Hart tidak memasukkan orang terbesar. Kriterianya ialah yang berpengaruh.

Buku ini dicetak kembali pada 1992 dengan beberapa revisi nyata terhadap daftar urutan 100 dan pangkat luar biasa mereka. Terutama di antara revisi itu ialah penurunan pangkat tokoh komunis seperti Lenin dan Joseph Stalin, dan pengenalan Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev. Edisi ini juga memuat Edward de Vere menggantikan William Shakespeare. Hart menggantikan Niels Henrik David Bohr dan Antoine Henri Becquerel dengan Ernest Rutherford, juga membetulkan kesalahan dalam edisi pertama. Henry Ford juga dimasukkan di sini dari yang sekedar "Tokoh-tokoh Terhormat", menggantikan Pablo Picasso. Akhirnya, urutan itu ditata kembali.

100 Tokoh menurut Michael H. Hart

Peringkat Nama Pengaruh
1 Nabi Muhammad Penyebar agama Islam, penguasa Arabia, mempunyai karier politik dan keagamaan yang luar biasa, namun tetap seimbang dan serasi, mengakibatkan Nabi Muhammad memiliki banyak pengikut, dan juga menjadi panutan seluruh masyarakat dunia hingga saat ini.
2 Isaac Newton Fisikawan, pencetus Teori Gravitasi umum, Hukum gerak
3 Yesus / Nabi Isa Isa Al Masih Kristen
4 Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) Pendiri agama Buddha
5 Kong Hu Cu Pendiri agama Kong Hu Cu
6 Santo Paulus Penyebar ajaran Kristen
7 Ts'ai Lun Penemu kertas
8 Johann Gutenberg Mengembangkan mesin cetak, mencetak Alkitab
9 Christopher Columbus Penjelajah, memimpin orang-orang Eropa ke Amerika
10 Albert Einstein Fisikawan, penemu Teori Relativitas
11 Louis Pasteur Ilmuwan, penemu Pasteurisasi
12 Galileo Galilei Astronom, secara akurat mengemukakan teori Heliosentris
13 Aristoteles Filsuf Yunani yang berpengaruh
14 Euclides Matematikawan, membuktikan tentang Geometri
15 Nabi Musa Nabi terbesar Yahudi
16 Charles Robert Darwin Biologis, mendeskripsikan teori Evolusi
17 Kaisar Qin Shi Huang-Di Kaisar Tiongkok
18 Augustus Caesar (Kaisar Agustus) Kaisar pertama Kekaisaran Romawi
19 Nicolaus Copernicus Astronom, salah satu tokoh Teori Heliosentris
20 Antoine Laurent Lavoisier Bapak Kimia modern, Filsuf dan Ekonom
21 Constantine yang Agung Kaisar Romawi yang menjadikan agama Kristen sebagai agama resmi negara
22 James Watt Mengembangkan Mesin uap
23 Michael Faraday Fisikawan, Kimiawan, menemukan Induksi Elektromagnetik
24 James Clerk Maxwell Fisikawan, penemu Spektrum Elektromagnetik
25 Martin Luther Pendiri agama Protestan dan aliran Lutheran
26 George Washington Presiden pertama Amerika Serikat
27 Karl Heinrich Marx Bapak Komunisme
28 Orville Wright dan Wilbur Wright Penemu Pesawat terbang
29 Genghis Khan Penakluk dari bangsa Mongol
30 Adam Smith Ekonom, pelopor Kapitalisme
31 Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford Kemungkinan menulis karya yang berkaitan dengan William Shakespeare
32 John Dalton Kimiawan, Fisikawan, penemu Teori Atom, Hukum Tekanan Parsial (Hukum Dalton)
33 Alexander yang Agung / Iskandar Zulkarnain Penakluk dari Makedonia
34 Kaisar Napoleon Bonaparte Penakluk dari bangsa Perancis
35 Thomas Alva Edison Penemu bola lampu dan Fonograf, dll.
36 Antony van Leeuwenhoek Ahli Mikroskop, mempelajari kehidupan mikroskopis
37 William Thomas Green Morton Pelopor Anestesiologi
38 Guglielmo Marconi Penemu Radio
39 Adolf Hitler Penakluk, memimpin Blok Poros dalam Perang Dunia II
40 Plato Filsuf Yunani
41 Oliver Cromwell Politikus Inggris dan pemimpin militer
42 Alexander Graham Bell Salah seorang penemu Telepon
43 Alexander Fleming Penemu Penisilin, memajukan Bakteriologi, Imunologi dan Kemoterapi
44 John Locke Filsuf dan Teolog liberal
45 Ludwig van Beethoven Komponis musik klasik
46 Werner Karl Heisenberg Pencetus Prinsip Ketidakpastian
47 Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre Penemu/pelopor Fotografi
48 Simon Bolivar Pahlawan nasional dari Venezuela, Kolombia, Ekuador, Peru, dan Bolivia
49 René Descartes Filsuf Rasionalis dan matematikawan
50 Umar bin al-Khattab Khalifah Ar-Rasyidin kedua, memperluas Daulah Khilafah Islamiyah. Penerus cita-cita Nabi Muhammad SAW.
51 Paus Urbanus II Penyeru Perang Salib
52 Michelangelo Buonarroti Pelukis, pematung, arsitek
53 Asoka Raja India yang masuk dan mengembangkan agama Buddha
54 Santo Augustinus Teolog Kristen awal
55 William Harvey Penemu sirkulasi darah
56 Ernest Rutherford, 1st Baron Rutherford of Nelson Fisikawan
57 John Calvin Tokoh Reformasi Gereja, pendiri Calvinisme
58 Gregor Johann Mendel Penemu teori genetika
59 Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck Fisikawan, mengemukakan Termodinamika
60 Joseph Lister, 1st Baron Lister Pelaku penemuan Antiseptik yang secara besar mengurangi kematian akibat pembedahan
61 Nikolaus August Otto Penemu mesin pembakaran 4 tak
62 Francisco Pizarro Penakluk dari bangsa Spanyol yang menaklukkan Kerajaan Inka di Amerika Selatan
63 Hernando Cortes Penakluk dari bangsa Spanyol yang menaklukkan Meksiko
64 Thomas Jefferson Presiden ketiga AS
65 Ratu Isabella I Penguasa Spanyol, penyokong Cristopher Colombus
66 Joseph Stalin (Joseph Vissarionovich Dzugashvili Tokoh revolusioner dan penguasa Uni Soviet
67 Julius Caesar Penguasa Roma
68 Raja William I sang Penakluk Meletakkan pembangunan Inggris modern
69 Sigmund Freud Pendiri sekolah Freud untuk psikologi, ahli psikoanalisis
70 Edward Jenner Penemu vaksin cacar
71 Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen Penemu sinar X
72 Johann Sebastian Bach Komponis
73 Lao Tzu Pendiri Taoisme
74 Voltaire Penulis dan filsuf
75 Johannes Kepler Astronom penemu Hukum Kepler tentang pergerakan planet
76 Enrico Fermi Salah satu tokoh abad atom, Bapak Bom Atom
77 Leonhard Euler Fisikawan, matematikawan penemu Kalkulus Diferensial dan Integral serta Aljabar
78 Jean-Jacques Rousseau Filsuf dan pengarang Prancis
79 Niccolò Machiavelli Penulis Sang Pangeran (risalat politik yang berpengaruh)
80 Thomas Robert Malthus Ekonom penulis Esai Prinsip Populasi dalam Pengaruhnya pada Kemajuan Masa Depan pada Masyarakat
81 John Fitzgerald Kennedy Presiden AS yang mendirikan "Program Luar Angkasa Apollo"
82 Gregory Goodwin Pincus Endokrinolog, menemukan pil KB
83 Mani (en) Nabi Iran abad ke-3, Pendiri Manicheanisme
84 Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov) Tokoh revolusioner dan pemimpin Rusia
85 Kaisar Sui Wen Menyatukan Tiongkok, pendiri Dinasti Sui
86 Vasco da Gama Navigator, penemu rute pelayaran Eropa ke India
87 Raja Cyrus yang Agung Pendiri kekaisaran Persia
88 Tsar Peter yang Agung Mendekatkan Rusia kepada Eropa
89 Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-tung) Bapak Maoisme, komunisme Tiongkok
90 Sir Francis Bacon Filsuf, menggambarkan secara induktif metode ilmiah
91 Henry Ford Pembuat mobil model T
92 Meng Tse Filsuf, pendiri sekolah Konfusianisme
93 Zarathustra (Zoroaster) Pendiri Zoroastrianisme
94 Ratu Elizabeth I Ratu Inggris, memperbaiki Gereja Inggris setelah Ratu Mary
95 Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev Perdana Menteri Rusia yang mengakhiri Komunisme di Uni Soviet dan Eropa Timur
96 Raja Menes Menyatukan Mesir Hulu dan Hilir
97 Kaisar Charlemagne Kaisar Romawi Suci
98 Homer Penyair epik
99 Kaisar Justinianus I Kaisar Romawi Timur, menaklukkan kembali sebagian Kekaisaran Romawi Barat
100 Mahavira Pendiri Jainisme

Tokoh-tokoh Terhormat

Nama Pengaruh
St. Thomas Aquinas Filsuf Kristen awal yang berpengaruh
Archimedes Matematikawan dan insinyur besar Yunani kuno
Charles Babbage Matematikawan dan penemu pelopor Komputer
Kaisar Khufu (Cheops) Pembangun Piramida Besar
Marie Curie fisikawan penemu radioaktif
Benjamin Franklin Politikus Amerika dan penemu penangkal petir
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Pemimpin India dan pembaharu Hindu
Abraham Lincoln Presiden ke-16 AS, memimpin selama Perang Sipil AS
Ferdinand Magellan Navigator, memberi nama Samudra Pasifik, pertama kali mengelilingi dunia
Leonardo da Vinci Seniman, penemu

Rabu, 27 Juli 2011


Posted by Poetra Cipta on 21.39

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Balloons are given for special occasions, e.g. birthdays or holidays.
Balloons are often used as party décor.

A balloon is an inflatable flexible bag filled with a gas, such as helium, hydrogen, nitrous oxide, oxygen, or air. Modern balloons can be made from materials such as rubber, latex, polychloroprene, or a nylon fabric, while some early balloons were made of dried animal bladders.[citation needed] Some balloons are used for decorative purposes, while others are used for practical purposes such as meteorology, medical treatment, military defense, or transportation. A balloon's properties, including its low density and low cost, have led to a wide range of applications. The inventor of the rubber balloon, (the most common balloon) was Michael Faraday in 1824, via experiments with various gases.[1]



Decoration or entertainment

Decorative arches made of party balloons

Party balloons are mostly made of a natural latex tapped from rubber trees, and can be filled with air, helium, water, or any other suitable liquid or gas. The rubber's elasticity makes the volume adjustable.

Filling the balloon with air can be done with the mouth, a manual or electric inflator (such as a hand pump), or with a source of compressed gas.

When rubber or plastic balloons are filled with helium so that they float, they typically retain their buoyancy for only a day or so. The enclosed helium atoms escape through small pores in the latex which are larger than the helium atoms. Balloons filled with air usually hold their size and shape much longer, sometimes for up to a week.

Even a perfect rubber balloon eventually loses gas to the outside. The process by which a substance or solute migrates from a region of high concentration, through a barrier or membrane, to a region of lower concentration is called diffusion. The inside of balloons can be treated with a special gel (for instance, the polymer solution sold under the "Hi Float" brand) which coats the inside of the balloon to reduce the helium leakage, thus increasing float time to a week or longer.

Animal-shaped balloons

Beginning in the late 1970s, some more expensive (and longer-lasting) foil balloons made of thin, unstretchable, less permeable metalized plastic films started being produced. These balloons have attractive shiny reflective surfaces and are often printed with color pictures and patterns for gifts and parties. The most important attribute of metalized nylon for balloons is its light weight, increasing buoyancy and its ability to keep the helium gas from escaping for several weeks. Foil balloons have been criticized for interfering with power lines.[2][3]

Professional balloon party decorators use electronic equipment to set the exact amount of helium to fill the balloon. For non-floating balloons air inflators are used. Professional quality balloons are used, which differ from most retail packet balloons by being larger in size and made from 100% biodegradable latex.

Balloon modeling and balloons in art

Balloon artists are entertainers who twist and tie inflated tubular balloons into sculptures (see balloon modelling). The balloons used for sculpture are made of extra-stretchy rubber so that they can be twisted and tied without bursting. Since the pressure required to inflate a balloon is inversely proportional to the diameter of the balloon[citation needed], these tiny tubular balloons are extremely hard to inflate initially. A pump is usually used to inflate these balloons.

Decorators may use helium balloons to create balloon sculptures. Usually the round shape of the balloon restricts these to simple arches or walls, but on occasion more ambitious "sculptures" have been attempted. It is also common to use balloons as tables decorations for celebratory events. Balloons can sometimes be modeled to form shapes of animals. Table decorations normally appear with three or five balloons on each bouquet. Ribbon is curled and added with a weight to keep the balloons from floating away.

Menno Baars is the first contemporary artist to balloons into art. Within five days the Dutch artist painted a large primitive female nude on the huge balloon screen (800 m2) in his typical violent colors and broad brush stroke. The balloon work of art was named "The independent Woman".

Balloon drops and releases

A decorative use for balloons is in balloon drops. In a balloon drop, a plastic bag or net filled with air-inflated balloons is suspended from a fixed height. Once released, the balloons fall onto their target area below. Balloon drops are commonly performed at New Year's Eve celebrations and at political rallies and conventions, but may also be performed at celebrations, including graduations and weddings.

For decades, people have also celebrated with balloon releases. This practice has been discouraged by the Balloon Industry, as it has posed problematic for the environment and cities. In recent years, legislation has been enacted to enforce consumers and retailers to tether helium-filled foil (BoPET) balloons with a balloon weight. This ensures that the helium-filled balloons do not float into the atmosphere, which is both potentially injurious to animals, the environment, and power lines.

At many events, the balloons may contain prizes, and party-goers can pop the balloons to retrieve the items inside.

Balloon publicity

Balloons are used for publicity at major events. Screen-printing processes can be used to print designs and company logos onto the balloons. In January 2008, the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York organized a display of 4,200 red balloons outside the United Nations building.[4]

Water balloons

Water balloons are thin, small rubber balloons filled with liquid, usually water, instead of a gas, and intended to be easily broken. They are usually used by children, who throw them at each other, trying to get each other wet, as a game, competition, or practical joke. By forcing water out the open end of a water balloon, it is possible to use it as a makeshift water gun.

Balloon rockets

Balloons are often deliberately released, creating so called balloon rocket or rocket balloon. Rocket balloons work because the elastic balloons contract on the air within them, and so when the mouth of the balloon is left open, the gas within the balloon shoots out, and, due to Newton's third law of motion, the balloon is propelled forward. This is the same way that a rocket works.[5]

Flying machines

Hot air balloons, San Diego, California
Flying above the Ancient City during the Ferrara Balloons Festival, Italy

Large balloons filled with hot air or buoyant gas (often hydrogen or helium) have been used as flying machines since the 18th century. The earliest flights were made with hot air balloons using air heated with a flame, or hydrogen; later, helium was used. Unlike an airship, a balloon travels with the wind.


Angioplasty is a surgical procedure in which very small balloons are inserted into blocked or partially blocked blood vessels near the heart. Once in place, the balloon is inflated to clear or compress arterial plaque, and to stretch the walls of the vessel, thus preventing myocardial infarction. A small stent can be inserted at the angioplasty site to keep the vessel open after the balloon's removal.[6]

Balloon catheters are catheters that have balloons at their tip to keep them from slipping out. For example, the balloon of a Foley catheter is inflated when the catheter is inserted into the urinary bladder and secures its position.[7]

Safety and environmental concerns

There has been some environmental concern over metallized nylon balloons, as they do not biodegrade or shred as rubber balloons do. Release of these types of balloons into the atmosphere is considered harmful to the environment. This type of balloon can also conduct electricity on its surface and released foil balloons can become entangled in power lines and cause power outages.[8]

Released balloons can land anywhere, including on nature reserves or other areas where they pose a serious hazard to animals through ingestion or entanglement. Because of the harm to wildlife and the effect of litter on the environment, some jurisdictions even legislate to control mass balloon releases. Legislation proposed in Maryland, US, was named after Inky, a pygmy Sperm Whale who needed six operations after swallowing debris, the largest piece of which was a mylar balloon.[9][10] To date, there is no documentary evidence to suggest that the death of any sea mammal has been attributed to foil balloons as a sole cause.[11] In the United Kingdom, foil balloons sold at major theme parks and Zoos have balloon weights attached to help prevent accidental release into the environment.[12]

Anthony Andrady says that releases of latex balloons that descend into the sea pose a serious ingestion and/or entanglement hazard to marine animals because balloons exposed floating in seawater deteriorate much more slowly than those exposed in air.[13] Balloon manufacturers will often state that a latex balloon is perfectly safe to release into the environment as it is made from a natural substance and will biodegrade over time. However a latex balloon can take up to a year to degrade if it lands in the sea and during this time it is possible for a marine animal to ingest the balloon and die from slow starvation if its digestive system is blocked.

NABAS (National Association of Balloon Artists and Suppliers), a non-profitable organisation that represents the UK balloon industry sets out best practice guidelines to promote balloon safety.[14] NABAS is currently taking on board ISO 14001 to ensure that environmental standards are laid down for the whole UK balloon industry, and to heighten awareness of environmental issues related to balloons. As part of this programme, NABAS has begun discussions with TerraCycle to formulate a feasibility programme for upcycling foil balloons into other products.


Air Pressure

Once inflated with regular, atmospheric air, the air inside the balloon will have a greater air pressure than the original atmospheric air pressure.[15]

Air pressure, technically, is a measurement of the amount of collisions against a surface at any time. In the case of balloon, it's supposed to measure how many particles at any in any given time space collide with the wall of the balloon and bounce off. However, since this is near impossible to measure, air pressure seems to be easier described as density. The similarity comes from the idea that when there are more molecules in the same space, more of them will be heading towards a collision course with the wall.

The first concept of air pressure within a balloon that is necessary to know is that air pressures "try" to even out. With all the bouncing against the balloon wall (both interior and exterior) there will be a certain amount of expansion/contraction. As air pressure itself is a description of the total forces against an object, each of these forces, on the outside of the balloon, causes the balloon to contract a tiny bit, while the inside forces cause the balloon to expand. With this knowledge, one would immediately assume the a balloon with high air pressure inside would expand based on the high amount of internal forces, and vice versa.

This would make the inside and outside air pressures equal.

However, balloons have a certain elasticity to them that some needs to be taken into account. When you stretch a balloon, you are filling it with potential energy. When you let it go, the potential energy is turned into kinetic energy and the balloon snaps back into its original position (though perhaps a little stretched out).

When you fill up a balloon with air, the balloon is being stretched. While the balloon is constantly releasing kinetic energy in an attempt to contract, it is also being pushed back out by the constant bouncing of the internal air molecules.

Basically, the internal air has to exert force not only to counteract the external air to keep the air pressures "even," but it also has to counteract the natural contraction of the balloon. Therefore, it requires more air pressure (more force) than the air outside the balloon wall.[16]

Balloons may also be used to cheer someone up. A.A. Milne notes this when his character, Winnie the Pooh says "No one can be uncheered by a balloon."

See also


  1. ^ Swain, Heather (2010) These Toys: 101 Clever Creations Using Everyday Items Penguin, 2010
  2. ^ "Metallic balloons spark controversy". Los Angeles Times. April 8, 2008. Retrieved April 15, 2010.]
  3. ^ "New bill to ban certain balloons". ABC. April 8, 2008.Retrieved April 15, 2010.]
  4. ^ 4,200 balloons released in NY to protest Qassam fire, By Neta Sela, Ynet News, January 24, 2008.
  5. ^ Zimmerman Jones, Andrew. "Scientific Explanation: Why the Rocket Balloon Works". How to Create a Rocket Balloon. About:Physics. http://physics.about.com/od/classroomphysics/ss/balloonrocket_5.htm. Retrieved 2007-04-29.
  6. ^ Berger, Alan (2006-05-30). "Angioplasty". Medical Encyclopedia. MedlinePlus. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/002953.htm. Retrieved 2007-04-28.
  7. ^ Bellis, Mary. "History of the Catheter - Balloon Catheter - Thomas Fogarty". About: Inventors. About. http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/blcatheter.htm. Retrieved 2007-04-28.
  8. ^ Atineh Haroutunian 6/3/2008 (818) 548-3381. "Mylar Balloons Spark Power Outages". Glendalewaterandpower.com. http://www.glendalewaterandpower.com/news.aspx?item=40. Retrieved 2009-09-15.
  9. ^ "MARP Sponsors Inky Legislation". National Aquarium in Baltimore. Archived from the original on 2008-08-07. http://web.archive.org/web/20080807124645/http://www.aqua.org/oceanhealth_inkylegislation.html. Retrieved 2006-12-01.
  10. ^ "Legislation regulating the release of balloons". Clean Virginia Waterways. http://www.longwood.edu/cleanva/balloonlaws.htm. Retrieved 2006-12-01.
  11. ^ "FAQ: Are sea mammals at risk?". The Balloon Council. http://www.balloonhq.com/BalloonCouncil/faq.html#sea. Retrieved 2011-02-09.
  12. ^ "Environmental Policy Statement". Balloon Supply & Distribution Ltd.. http://www.balloonsupply.co.uk/index.php?_a=viewDoc&docId=22. Retrieved 2011-02-09.
  13. ^ Andrady, A.L. (2006-08-06). "Plastics and Their Impacts in the Marine Environment". Proceedings of the International Marine Debris Conference on Derelict Fishing Gear and the Ocean Environment. Hawaii: Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary. p. 140.
  14. ^ "NABAS: The Balloon Association". NABAS (National Association of Balloon Artists and Suppliers). http://www.nabas.co.uk/. Retrieved 2011-02-09.
  15. ^ Serway, Raymond, Chris Vuille, and Jerry Faughn. College Physics, Volume 10. Cengage Learning, 2008.
  16. ^ "Balloons." Reach Out Michigan. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Nov 2010. <http://www.reachoutmichigan.org/funexperiments/agesubject/lessons/newton/balloon.html>.

Further reading

"Reader's Digest: Stories Behind Everyday Things"; New York: Reader's Digest, 1980.

External links

Posted by Poetra Cipta on 21.24

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電力驅 動的雙軌列車















1831 年8月9日,德威特‧克林頓‧普爾德駕駛著火車行駛在紐約奧爾巴尼客運鐵路線。1840年代,開始使用機械臂板號機。1857年, 人們開始使用比鍛鐵鐵軌更堅固的鋼軌。1863年英國倫敦建成第一條地下鐵路

1864 年,喬治‧M‧普爾曼設計出一種新型的臥鋪車。1879年, 世界最早的電力火車開始運行。1931年,第一條從東到西橫越非洲大陸本格拉一加丹加鐵路在南部非洲建 成通車。



電氣化鐵路的最初投資很大,但按每里計算則是運作成本最低的。因此只有高流量的線路才適合電氣化。電氣化列車可能 使用高架電纜第三軌取電。


牽引動能比由小排到大依序為:客機、摩托車、一般家庭的汽車、公路上跑的卡車、農用牽引機、全連結車、蒸氣機車、柴油動力機車、柴電機車、電力機車 頭、柴聯車、高鐵電聯車、電聯車、客輪、漁船、油輪。







城市之間不停沿途小站的市際列車稱為快車特快。各小站都停的稱為普通客車普客慢 車

有些大城市有短距離的通勤列車往來市郊住宅區及市中心。這些通勤列車經常亦是城市軌道交通系統的一部分。很多的通勤車都是以站立為主,座位較少。有些地區會用雙層客車來增加載客。而高 速列車及卧車亦有是雙層的。

城市軌道交通系有時被稱作地下鐵路,但它們在市中心以外可能會在路面或架空路軌上行走。這類列車的加速及減速一般都比長途車快,通常亦有更多的車門 以供乘客上落。

路面電車輕便鐵路一般最多只會有兩個車廂一同行走。路面電車通常會與其他車在同一條馬路上行駛。輕便鐵路是對很多現代化路面 電車的稱謂,因為它們介乎路面電車重鐵(即一般鐵路列車)之間。路面電車跟輕便鐵路其實沒有很明確的分野,很多時分類都是約定俗成。


地 下鐵路輕便鐵路、通勤列車有時會被統稱為快速運輸系統


[编辑] 火车的动画




世上鐵路運輸使用得最多的是鐵路貨運。美國的 鐵路主要是用作貨運。

在合適的情況下,鐵路貨運比道路貨運便宜很多,亦更節省能源。鐵路貨運最適合用來長途運載大量的貨物。但對於短途或小量的貨物則較為不適合。鐵路貨 運的最大缺點是缺乏彈性。在不少國家鐵路貨運正漸被以道路貨運取代。但亦有很多政府因為環境的考慮,而設法鼓勵使用鐵路。

鐵路使用的載貨車廂有多種,現代最常見的是貨櫃集裝箱)車。它們可以由起重機吊起,從車廂運到船或貨車上。 有些國家的貨櫃車廂採用附帶方式,又稱為「背載式運輸」(piggyback),貨櫃車可以把貨櫃連拖架駛上列車車廂上。到達目的地後直接由貨櫃車頭把貨櫃開 走。英國法國之間的英法海峽隧道鐵路線便是採用這種設計。

其他的貨車車廂包括有:運送車輛的平車、散裝貨物的敞車、冷凍食物的冷藏車、運送豬或牛等動物的棚車、運送煤炭壙物穀類的漏斗車、運送汽油等液體的 罐車及運送闊大貨物的大物車等等。


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